Tuesday, October 8, 2013

XXIII abandoned photo: A palm that was born twisted never grows straight.

A palm that was born twisted never grows straight.
8 x 10 inches; frame 11 x 14 inches.

Costa Rica again. In Spanish, a proverb says "A tree that was born twisted never grows straight". It means that if you have a bad habit, it would be difficult to leave it. But a proverb may mean many things I think. In this case, I think the palm is a rebel, it doesn´t follow rules. It follows his own way, a "twisted" way. 

This photo is waiting for you! Have you seen the photo showing this twisted palm? If you found it, please leave a comment!

XXII abandoned photo: Crocodile Tears

Crocodile tears
8 x 10 inches; frame 11 x 14 inches

I saw all those crocodiles at a river in Costa Rica. I was on a bridge for seeing the crocodiles and even if I was far from the animals, I was afraid. I liked that they showed a chaotic formation but very quiet. Sometimes chaos is quiet, a quiet fake. 

"Crocodile tears" is on the streets! Please, please, please, if you have found it, leave a comment here! Let me know what do you think about the finding!