Thursday, February 23, 2012

Yes! I found a photo on the street! Now what? English, Español,Français and Deutsch version

I found a photo on the street!

Did you find a photo on the street? Congratulations! Read here below what to do now!

¿Encontraste una foto en la calle? Felicidades! Lee aquí abajo que hacer ahora!

Avez-vous trouvé une photo dans la rue? Félicitations! Lire ci-dessous ce qu'il faut faire maintenant!

Haben Sie ein Foto auf der Straße? Herzlichen Glückwunsch! Lesen Sie hier unten was jetzt zu tun!

This project will be complete with your help; so please, leave a comment on the blog!  I would like to know your feelings about the photo and the moment you found it. Do you like it? Don’t you? Will you keep it with you? Will you give it as a gift? Whatever, everything is important for the project. And that’s all! No personal information is required. The photo  you have found is an original printing, it’s a signed photo and it has specific written information to identify and prove its authenticity. Please, take care of this photo; I worked very hard to prepare it and leave it on the street and now it’s yours! 

Este proyecto no estará completo sin tu ayuda, por favor visita el blog y deja un comentario. Me gustaría mucho saber lo que sentiste al encontrar la foto. ¿Te gusta la foto?, ¿No te gusta?, ¿La conservarás contigo o la regalarás? ¡Eso es todo! No tiene que dejar ninguna información personal, solo te pido que escribas dónde y cuándo encontraste la foto. El blog está escrito en inglés, pero puedes dejar tu comentario en español si lo prefieres. La foto que tienes en tus manos es una impresión original, es una obra firmada y tiene información específica para identificarla y probar su autenticidad. Por favor, cuida esta foto, he trabajado mucho para prepararla y dejarla en las calles. ¡Y ahora es tu foto!

Ce projet ne peut pas se poursuivre sans votre aide, laissez un commentaire sur le blog ! Je voudrais connaitre votre sentiment par rapport à la découverte de cette photo, quel qu’il soit, tout est important pour le projet ! Vous aimez la photo ? Vous ne l’aimez pas ? Allez-vous la garder? Allez-vous l’offrir? Aucune information personnelle n’est nécessaire, dites-moi juste où et quand vous avez trouvé la photo. Bien que le blog ait des textes en anglais, vous pouvez laisser votre commentaire en français (ou flamand pour la Belgique).   La photo que vous avez trouvée est un tirage original et une oeuvre authentifiée. Prenez soin de cette photo svp, j’ai beaucoup travaillé pour la préparer avant de l’abandonner dans la rue, et maintenant elle est à vous !

Dieses Projekt kann nicht ohne Ihre Hilfe weiter gehen, lassen Sie bitte ein Kommentar auf die Website! Ich möchte Ihres Gefühl über die Entdeckung des Bild wissen. Alles is wichtig für das Projekt! Gefällt Ihnen das Bild? Gefällt es Ihnen nicht ? Wollen Sie es halten ? Wollen Sie jemanden es schencken ? Kein persönliche Information ist nötig. Sagen Sie mir nur wo und wann Sie haben das Foto gefunden. Das Foto ist eines originales Bild. Pass Gut auf es auf, ich habe schwer gearbeitet, um es zu vorbereiten und im der Straße verlassen. Und jetzt ist es für Sie!

*Thanks to my friend C.Kottgen for writing the text.

Sunday, February 12, 2012

The eighth abandoned photo is...lost!

Status: lost!

I told the story of this photo in a past comment; briefly, the photo is a personal tribute to Susan Sontag. Because of that, I abandoned the photo on the place where she lies. Even a note on the back of the framed photo invites to take it, I don't think people do it. On the gravestone, the photo isn't just a photo, it´s an offering, the photo is more than an artistic object, it's a symbolic and sacred object. On a gravestone the most simple and strange thing can be the most honorable object. People don't usuallly take an offering that has been made for someone. So, I must say I'm not surprised because I don't have news about "A burning plain and its methaphors" becasue I think that people have seen the photo think  it's an offering to Sontag. 

In the Parisian cementary where Sontag rest in peace there are many graves with offerings. Some tombstones look like an altar, that's the case of the Serge Gainsbourg's tombstone. Ok, that's a cult place! But there are some others graves with symbolic objects, graves of "no famous people". I was very surprised and charmed seeing those graves, I didn't expect that kind of cult to dead in a French cementery. In México, there is a especial festivity for leaving offering to dead people, it's called "The day of the dead". It happens every year on November 2nd, that day people offer everything you can imagine, for instance typical food, tequila, beer, cigarretes, personal stuff, photos, coins, everything! However the rest of the year there are only flowers on the tombs. I suppose that for many people, whatever time of the year or the place, is important to put something special on the gravestone of their beloved people. I hope someone will do that to me. By the way, if you have the eighth abandoned photo with you, will you tell me that? Will you do that for me?

A quiet fairly tale on a gravestone.

A Parisian Christmas tale on a gravestone.

Monday, February 6, 2012

Lost! The seventh abandoned photo!

Status: lost!

"I have to eat that prickly pear" is a photo about crazy love. It's about a forbidden fruit, about a dangerous fruit!'s a photo I like it. When I walked in front of that red wall, with that window with a heart drawn with a finger on the glass I knew that was the right place to abandon the photo. And next to the window, there were those photos showing actors, actresses, singers, musicians and was perfect! That's love! That's a crazy love! Red as a heart, red as blood, and full of music and dance! So, let's go to look for that prickly pear! Who cares if it does hurt? Have you found it? Please, let me know it...